Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Red Shoes

A friend of mine was in a 4 car wreck on Goodman Road last weekend. A truck with 6 passengers hit a car, which hit my friend, who hit the car in front of her. The driver of the truck jumped out and started making excuses and complaining about the damage to his truck. Everyone in the other vehicles was fine. A woman passenger in the truck got out and had on beautiful red heels. She was complaining along with the driver and they were both yelling at the kids in the back seat to be quiet and stop crying. After a few minutes, they realized the kids had hit their heads and were crying from pain. The demeanor of the driver and the woman changed completely. The woman also realized she didn’t feel well. When everything was over, 2 passengers from the truck were taken away in ambulances – one being the woman in red heels. The man was left standing in the street dazed, confused, and holding the red shoes. My friend gave him a hug and he held on to her for dear life. This may have been the first time he had ever really realized what is important in life. So many times we get caught up in time, money, and stuff that we forget to stop and look around at what we do have. Instead of getting upset the next time your children are crying, say a quiet prayer to God thanking him for those children! Don’t wait until you are left holding red shoes to be thankful for what you have!

“Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with THANKSGIVING let your requests be made known unto God.” Philippians 4:6

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