Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Small Packages

Big package means great big gift; at least that is what children think. There are many presents under our tree, but my little girl is only concerned with the biggest one. Big doesn't necessary mean the most expensive or best gift. Women especially look for the smallest package under the tree in hopes there may be jewelry! During this special time of year, don't get caught up in big gifts, but take time to remember the most important gift of all! The most precious gift we have ever received came wrapped in a tiny package named Jesus! If you have never asked Him to be your savior, I invite you to stop what you are doing and pray right now. It is that simple. Just ask Him to save you and He will. No questions asked! The beginning of a very famous verse, John 3:16, starts by saying "For God so loved the world". How powerful is that? You are included when it says world. He loves you!! Jesus would have died on the cross even if you were the only person in the world. Think about this and remember the real reason for the season! Merry Christmas!!!

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